Spot color variations
Color Editor can convert a selected L*a*b* spot color to the printer’s color space, and prints twenty neighboring colors that have slightly different hues and saturation/brightness levels. You can choose which color you want to use.
It is useful to print spot color variations because a perfect dE match does not always result in a perfect visual match, due to the non-uniformity of the L*a*b* color space. A spot color that looks color accurate on one media may yield a visibly incorrect color result on a different media.
When you create spot color variations, Color Editor displays three groups of seven color patches in a honeycomb pattern. The center patch of the middle group is the original spot color. Each of the surrounding six color patches is a variation of the original spot color in the hue directions of cyan, green, yellow, red, magenta, and blue respectively. The two outer groups of color patches represent an increase and decrease either in saturation or in brightness, whichever you select.
- When you import a CXF file and replace the conflicting/duplicate spot color from the imported file
- When you make the spot color an alias for another spot color
- When you clear the Independent or Dependent check box
- When you select the Source radio button
- When you change the spot color type to a different color space
- When you change the L*a*b* values, either manually or by measuring
- When you convert the spot color to the printer gamut