Increasing output speed
You can speed up job processing and output by changing or turning off some program features that are not essential for your workflow.
You can try any of the following:
Turn on RIP and print on the fly, so that job processing and printing occur simultaneously.
Reduce the RIP resolution.
Activate bidirectional printing.
Increase the number of Adobe print engines to process multiple PostScript/PDF jobs simultaneously.
Set up load balancing to share jobs out amongst the available resources.
Move jobs to the top of the print queue.
Make sure that the computer is not running multiple tasks concurrently.
Convert complex PostScript jobs to PDF/X-1a format.
Select a calibration set with a lower print resolution, which has less data to process.
In the graphics program, convert jobs to a lower input resolution before loading in Command WorkStation.
In a production workflow, select a template that has been especially designed for fast job output.
Turn off in-RIP separation which prints separated files as a composite job using the printer’s CMYK inks. If necessary, you can select Simulate overprinting in composite jobs instead, which is faster to process.
If you do apply in-RIP separation, do not set the search priority to look for spot colors in the source files. Scanning for spot color definitions adds to the overall processing time.
Do not rotate jobs or select minimal media consumption.
Avoid making color adjustments unless they are absolutely necessary.
Avoid simulating final run characteristics.
Install the profile folders and system folders on a separate hard drive.