Spot color matching
The Spot color matching option automatically matches spot colors in a job with their best CMYK equivalents.
When you enable Spot color matching, the Fiery server uses a built-in table to generate the closest CMYK match for spot colors that the printer can produce. (New tables are generated automatically for each output profile you add to the Fiery server.)
With Fiery Spot-On, the Fiery server uses the CMYK matches determined using Command WorkStation Spot Colors.
With Spot Pro, the Fiery server matches spot colors with their best CMYK equivalents.
The Use spot group menu allows you to select a spot color group that the Fiery server searches first for spot color definitions during file processing. When you create new spot color groups in Spot Pro, the new groups are displayed in the Use spot group menu. If a spot color is not in the selected list, the Fiery server searches all other spot color groups for a matching spot color name. If the spot color name is not found, the spot color is rendered with the alternate color in the document.
When the Spot color matching check box is cleared, the Fiery server processes spot colors as CMYK data and uses the alternate color space in the document. By default, most applications use the CMYK equivalents defined by the spot color manufacturer, such as Pantone. These are the same CMYK equivalents used by applications that include spot color libraries.
For jobs that include spot colors, turn Spot color matching on unless you are printing press simulations. In that case, turn Spot color matching off and select the appropriate CMYK source setting.
For PDF and PostScript jobs that include spot colors that are not in the built‑in table, turning Spot color matching on causes the alternate color space to be used. The Fiery server references the built‑in table to generate the closest CMYK matches of the original spot color.