Print gray using black only for RGB or CMYK
When you turn on the Print RGB gray using black only option, any RGB color that has equal R, G, and B values is printed as K-only black instead of CMYK black. Similarly, when you turn on Print CMYK gray using black only, any CMYK color, where C, M, and Y are 0 (zero), and K is any value, prints using K-only black instead of CMYK black.
You can turn on Print RGB gray using black only or Print CMYK gray using black only for either Text/Graphics or Text/Graphics/Images. "Graphics" refers to vector graphics. "Images" refers to bitmap images.
The following limitations apply:
The Print RGB gray using black only and Print CMYK gray using black only options do not affect jobs sent as separations.
If CMYK rendering intent is set to Pure Primaries, Print CMYK gray using black only does not affect the output.
If you select Separate RGB/Lab to CMYK source, Print RGB gray using black only must be set to Off. Likewise, if you select either the Text/Graphics or Text/Graphics/Images options for Print RGB gray using black only, the Separate RGB/Lab to CMYK source check box must be cleared.
If you set Black Text and Graphics to Pure Black On or Rich Black On, that setting takes precedence over Print RGB gray using black only and Print CMYK gray using black only for 100% black text and graphics.
If a gray is specified as a spot color, Print RGB gray using black only and Print CMYK gray using black only do not affect that gray.