About Fiery JDF and JMF
Fiery JDF adds support for various JDF intent and process elements. You can use Command WorkStation to view JDF settings and resolve errors, such as media mismatch, during job processing.
Job Definition Format (JDF) is an open standard, XML-based file format that allows you to automate the print production process by passing data between different applications. By simplifying data exchange, JDF makes digital production faster and more efficient, while also facilitating faster movement of job details. A JDF electronic ticket specifies how a job is to be handled and produced from customer concept to final production.
Think of the JDF file as an electronic version of a customer’s specifications for a particular job. For instance, a job ticket with the customer’s request for a job with the specifications “100 copies of a 10-page document on 20# letter-size white paper, printed duplex, black-and- white” would be represented in a standardized XML format readable by JDF-enabled devices, in other words, by the JDF ticket.
Job Messaging Format (JMF) is the communication protocol used in a JDF workflow. JMF messages contain information about events (start, stop, error), status (available, offline, and so on) and results (count, waste, and so on). Fiery JDF turns on integrated, bi-directional communication of JDF intent or JDF process job tickets between JDF-submitting applications to a Fiery server using JMF.
Support for JMF allows the Fiery server to provide feedback on the status of the JDF job and production data (such as time of delivery or printing and materials used) to the JDF-submitting application.