Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Command WorkStation

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Send a job with Paper Catalog settings

On Fiery servers with Fiery system software FS350/350 Pro or later, you can send a job with Paper Catalog settings from one Fiery server to another and retain the settings.

When a job with Paper Catalog settings is sent from one Fiery server to another and a matching paper catalog entry is found in the destination Fiery server database, the matching entry will be used for the job.

If a matching paper catalog entry is not found, the Paper Catalog settings are applied to the job, and you do not need to create a new entry.

In Job Properties, the Paper Catalog print option will be set to None defined, but the other media settings will reflect the Paper Catalog settings of the job from the original Fiery server.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click a job in the Held list with Paper Catalog settings and select Send To.
    • Select a job in the Held list, and click Actions > Send To.
  2. Choose the destination Fiery server from the list. The selected job is listed in the Held list of the destination Fiery server.
  3. Select the desired job action for the job.