Use RGB, CMYK, or Gray embedded profiles
You can specify whether the Fiery server uses the source profile (either RGB or CMYK or grayscale) that is embedded in the print job rather than the source profile specified in the print settings.
If you select the Use RGB embedded profiles option, the Fiery server honors the embedded RGB profile information for objects tagged with an RGB profile and uses the RGB source profile for RGB objects without an RGB profile. If you clear this option, the Fiery server uses the profile specified in the RGB source option.
If you select the Use CMYK embedded profiles option, the Fiery server honors the embedded CMYK profile information for objects tagged with a CMYK profile and uses the CMYK source profile for CMYK objects without a CMYK profile. If you clear this option, the Fiery server uses the profile specified in the CMYK source option.
If you select the Use Gray embedded profiles option, the Fiery server honors the embedded gray profile information for objects tagged with a gray profile and uses the source gray profile for gray objects without a gray profile.