Share archives
Archive Manager folders can be on the network, a cloud replication service, or your local computer. Back up archive folders in the same manner that you would use for any other file or folder.
To share archives over the network, use a network folder that all users can access. Open this folder first on your computer to make sure it is available. On each computer that uses Command WorkStation, add this network folder as an Archive Manager location. Ask your network administrator to back up the Archive Manager network folder.
Fiery servers can share archived jobs. For example, you can use a job archived from Fiery server #1 on Fiery server #2. The archived jobs retain all job properties if the servers are the same model and version. If the destination Fiery server is a different model or version, the server will discard any present raster images, and you will need to process the job again before printing. The destination Fiery server will not use any unavailable job properties. Verify the properties of the job before printing.