Spot color groups and definitions
Using the Spot Colors feature in Command WorkStation, you can edit spot color definitions on the Fiery server and create custom spot color definitions. Only one user at a time can use Spot Colors.
The Spot Colors window consists of three parts:
The left side displays a list of color groups.
The middle displays a list of spot colors included in the currently selected color group.
The right side displays the definition of the currently selected spot color as well as swatches showing the original L*a*b value and the CMYK value after conversion by the output profile.
An exclamation point icon in the spot color definition indicates that one or more colorants have reached their maximum values.
By default, the Fiery server has several PANTONE color group, including possibly DIC, HKS, and TOYO color groups. These standard groups are locked. You cannot delete, rename, or export a locked group, and you cannot add, rename, or delete the spot colors in a locked group or change the priority order of the spot colors.