Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Command WorkStation

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Specify Mixed Media settings in Booklet Maker

The Mixed Media viewer is displayed when 1-up perfect binding is selected for the booklet type.

Not all printers support 1-up perfect binding. If 1-up perfect binding is not supported, the option is not displayed in the Booklet Type menu.

  1. Select a job in Command WorkStation Job Center and open the Job Properties window.
  2. Select Booklet in the Layout tab.
  3. Choose 1-up Perfect for the Booklet Type.
  4. Choose the binding edge.
  5. Specify the Body Paper Size and Cover Paper Size.
    Note: Define Cover is not available as a Mixed Media choice in Booklet Maker. Cover definitions are created using the standard Booklet Maker options.
  6. Specify cover settings and any other settings as required.
  7. Scroll down to the Mixed Media viewer and specify settings using the following controls:
    • Pages tab - Click to display layout of the booklet organized by pages of the document and to show the relationship of document pages to sheets.

    • Sheets tab - Click to display the layout of the booklet organized by sheets and to show the relationship of sheets to document pages.

    • Chapter Start Page(s) field - Type the page numbers to designate as chapter starts with commas in between. Chapter start pages are marked in the viewer. Implicit blanks are inserted as needed. The following illustration shows the chapter start marker and the implicit blank inserted after page 10:

    • New Page Range - Click the icon or button to type page numbers and then apply media settings to the specified page range.

    • New Insert - Click the icon or button to insert a blank page at a specific location and apply media settings to the insert.

    • Edit - Click the icon or button to modify a page range or new insert media settings.

    • Delete - Click the icon or button to delete a page range or new insert settings.

For information about the media settings that apply for your Fiery server, see Printing and Utilities in the user documentation set.