Fiery ColorGuard Client application
Fiery ColorGuard Client application allows operators to verify color, verify spot color, recalibrate, automatically report verification results to the cloud, and view recent verification history. Fiery ColorGuard Client application requires a license to be available for each printer. Fiery ColorGuard provides a free 30-day trial license for your account.
To access the Fiery ColorGuard Client application, you must connect your Fiery server to the Fiery IQ cloud. For more information, see Fiery IQ Cutsheet Help.
After connecting your Fiery server with the Fiery IQ cloud,
you can access the Fiery ColorGuard Client application
in Command WorkStation 7.0 and later using one of
the following:
- Click .
- Click the More icon (
) next to the server name in the Servers pane.
- Click pending schedules in the Notifications tab.
In the Fiery ColorGuard window:
- Click Go to ColorGuard web to access the Fiery ColorGuard Web application where you can schedule verifications and calibrations to be completed on the Fiery ColorGuard Client application and track the verification results. For more information, see Fiery ColorGuard Web application.
- Click Refresh licensed printers to view the details of any newly added Fiery server for which you have activated the license or the 30-day trial license. You can click the button once in five minutes to view the refreshed list of Fiery servers and schedules.
The Notifications tab includes the Fiery ColorGuard pending schedule notifications. You
can do one of the following:
- Click Recalibrate now to open Calibrator and complete the recalibration.
- Click Verify now to open FieryMeasure and complete the verification or benchmark verification.
For more information on Fiery ColorGuard application, see Fiery IQ Cutsheet Help.