Create or edit a printer group
To allow Fiery Central to print jobs to the printers, you must create a printer group.
When you create printer groups, keep in mind the capabilities of your printers, the types of printing you will be doing, and if speed or custom printing is a priority.
- In the Fiery Central Manager window, select the Printer Groups tab.
- To add a printer group, click Add; to edit an existing printer group, select a group and click Edit.
Type a group name to identify
the printer group, add a description (optional), and then click Next.
A group name can be up to 16 characters long and cannot include special characters, hyphens, spaces, or underscores.
Type the IP address or printer
name in the IP/Server Name field.
For printers that maintain multiple queues and treat each as a separate printer, enter a Queue Name to locate the printer for selection.
Select the server family and
printer model from the Model list.
The Port Number field is filled in by default (631).
- Do one of the following:
Click Search.
Click Auto Discovery to search for available Fiery Central servers on the network. Auto Discovery searches only for the Fiery Central server with its local TCP/IP subnet.
Note: Auto Discovery will not find non-Fiery printers or generic PostScript printers on the network. You have to manually add them to the printer group by using their IP address or printer name.
- In the Available Printers list, select a printer and click the arrow button to move it to the Selected Printers list.
- In the Edit/Configure Printer window, confirm that the printer name is correct and unique.
- Click Paper
Catalog Map to set up the Paper Catalog or tray selection
for the printer you are editing and configuring.
The Paper Catalog Map feature is available only if the Fiery server or non-Fiery printer supports it.
Verify that the
Installable Options pane lists the options installed
on the printer, and then click OK.
You can specify optional and printer-specific options such as staplers, stackers, and booklet finishers for individual printers in a printer group. The Fiery Central Manager incorporates these additional features into printer group PPD files for printing.
Note: When you add a Fiery server to a printer group, the configurable options are selected by default. You manually install printer-specific options for non-Fiery printers. - Add and configure additional printers.
Move any other printers you want for that group, one by one, to the Selected Printers list, and then configure them. You can also remove printers from the group.
- Click Next when you have added and configured all of the printers you have selected for the printer group.
- Set the default options for the printer group:
Select the Load Balance option for balancing individual print jobs among the printers in the group. If you set Load Balance to Preferred Printer, also select a printer from the printer group in the Preferred Printer field.
Set the Use Printer Type default, and specify whether black-and-white or color printers are used exclusively for jobs sent to this group.
Set one of the Cover Sheet/Merge Options.
Set the Maximum Number of Printers.
Select Reroute on Error to send the remaining portion of a job to the Fastest Single Engine when an error occurs at the destination printer. If you do not select this option, jobs wait in the Print queue of the destination printer until the error is cleared.
- Click Next;
then review the summary information for the printer group and click Save.
If you need to make changes, click Cancel to discard the current printer group and create a new one.
With the printer group selected
in the Fiery Central Manager Printer
Groups pane, select Make Printer Group drivers
available through WebTools if you want users to be able to
download Fiery Central printer drivers through
an Internet browser.
Note: If you are using a Windows or Mac computer, this option should be selected.
- Select the printer queues that you want to publish.
- To save changes and create the printer group, click OK in the Fiery Central Manager window.