Access levels to connect to a Fiery server
You can log on as Administrator, Operator, or any user to whom the Administrator has given access. Administrators can set passwords for each type of user.
Administrator - Has full access to all Command WorkStation and Fiery server control panel functions. An Administrator password is required.
Operator - Has access to all Job Center functions. In Device Center, an Operator cannot access Configure or Backup and Restore, change passwords, or delete the Job Log. An Operator can view the Paper Catalog or Media Catalog, virtual printers, and color management functions but cannot edit them. Only an Administrator can edit these items.
- User name - The Administrator creates users, assigns them to groups, and assigns privileges to the groups, such as guest privileges or creating server presets.
For more information about setting access levels, see Configure Help and Configuration and Setup, which is part of the user documentation set.