Spot Pro toolbar icons
The Spot Pro toolbar displays a standard set of icons.
- New
Creates a new spot color group, spot color, substitute color group, or substitute color. Spot Pro adds new spot colors and substitute colors to the selected group.
- Delete
Deletes the selected color group or named spot colors from the color group.
- Print/Ready to Print/Send to Print queue
Initiates Print, Send to Ready to Print, or Send to Print queue for the selected spot colors or spot color group depending on the Fiery server.
- Optimize
Optimizes the selected colors or all colors in a selected group for a selected media or substrate and output profile.
- Open
Opens a spot color or spot color group from a user-specified location. It also allows opening custom or user-created libraries to and from Adobe applications.
- Save As
Saves a spot color or spot color group from the Fiery server to another user-specified location. It also allows saving custom or user-created libraries to and from Adobe applications.
- Preferences
Opens the Spot Pro Preferences window.
- 2-Color print mapping
Allows you to select a process color to map, and search and select a device color or a spot color.
- Alias
Maps one or more spot colors to an alias to ensure they use the same color values, even if they have different names.
- Checkup
Performs a health check on spot colors in a spot color group to check how accurately they are printed.