Edit profile content
Command WorkStation provides Color Editor for editing CMYK profiles.
In Color Editor, you can edit a CMYK profile (CMYK source or output profile). Use Color Editor to fine-tune the density curves of a profile.
If you have the Fiery Color Profiler Suite option installed on your computer, you can edit profiles in Fiery Profile Editor, accessed from Command WorkStation. You can edit the color data that defines the gamut of an output profile.
Edit profiles in Color Editor
With Color Editor, you can adjust features such as CMYK density curves and target densities.
Edits made with Color Editor are for printing with the Fiery server only. They do not affect the profile if the profile is used in another context.
Edit profiles in Fiery Profile Editor
If you install Fiery Color Profiler Suite on your computer, you can use Fiery Profile Editor to edit an output profile. With Profile Editor, you can adjust global color features such as rendering intent and CMYK density curves, as well as adjust specific hues, colors, or even a specific data point in the profile gamut.
- In Device Center, click .
- Select an output profile, click Edit, and then select Fiery Profile Editor.
For more information about using Fiery Profile Editor to edit a profile, click the Help icon in Profile Editor.