Sample Print
The Sample Print feature allows you to print extra pages to an easily accessible output tray during a long print job, to verify that the printer is performing as expected.
For example, when a job is currently printing to a closed elevator (such as 1000 pages to an output tray that cannot be opened until the entire job is completed), you can use the sample print function to print a separate page or finished output set to an open output tray to verify the output. If the output is unsatisfactory, you can take corrective action.
Use Sample Print only with printers that have multiple output trays; it is useful when one of the output trays is closed and not easily accessed during printing.
You can print an extra sheet or output set as follows:
On-demand during the printing of a job
Every N-sheets during the currently printing job
Every N-sheets until canceled (can span jobs)
You can set up the Sample Print default settings for the specified Fiery server using Configure (Configuring Fiery server settings.)
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