Apply color edits through a server preset
If your Fiery server supports this feature, you can save color edits as a server preset. With a preset, you can apply the same color edits to a different job in Fiery ImageViewer, and you can also apply the preset to a held job through the window in Command WorkStation, without using Fiery ImageViewer.
Note: You can also save color edits to a local file on your computer and apply them to a different
job in ImageViewer.
Save color edits as a preset
Apply color edits through a preset in ImageViewer
Apply color edits through a preset in Job Properties
Delete a preset
Do one of the following:
- For Fiery ImageViewer 4.7 and
later: Click the gear icon in the toolbar to launch the Manage
Custom Presets window.
- Click to select one custom preset, or ctrl-click (Windows) or cmd-click (macOS) to select more than one custom preset.
- Click Delete.
- For Fiery ImageViewer 4.6 and
earlier: In the Color Adjust pane, select the
preset in the Preset list.
- Select the custom preset that was applied to the image, and click Delete.
- Click Yes to confirm.
Note: If you notice any inconsistent or bad
curves in Fiery ImageViewer that you are
unable to delete, or if the Job Properties menu does not display the full
list of curve presets, you can resolve this issue by pressing ctrl+shift+D
(Windows) or cmd+shift+D (macOS) within Fiery ImageViewer. This will remove all problematic curves and allow the
Fiery server to display the full list of curve presets in Job
Rename a preset
For Fiery ImageViewer 4.7 and later: Click the
gear icon in the toolbar to launch the Manage Custom
Presets window.
- Click to select one custom preset, or ctrl-click (Windows) or cmd-click (macOS) to select more than one custom preset.
- Click Rename.
- Type a name for the preset and click OK.