RGB source, CMYK source, and Grayscale source
The RGB source, CMYK source, and Grayscale source print options allow you to define the color spaces of the RGB, CMYK, and grayscale data, respectively, in your document so that the appropriate color conversion occurs on the Fiery server.
Commonly used color spaces are available on the Fiery server. For others, you can import CMYK and RGB custom profiles to the Fiery server. Custom grayscale profiles cannot be imported.
RGB source
When you specify a profile for RGB source, the Fiery server overrides source color space definitions or profiles that other color management systems may have specified. For example, if your document contains an embedded RGB profile, the RGB source setting overrides it.
When you specify an RGB source profile, the output from the Fiery server is consistent across platforms. The RGB source options are as follows:
EFIRGB - Specifies a Fiery-defined color space recommended for users who have no detailed information about their RGB data.
sRGB (PC) - A Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard recommended color space designed for typical home and office applications.
Apple Standard - Specifies the color space of an older Mac computer monitor.
Adobe RGB (1998) - An Adobe-defined color space, used in some prepress workflows as the default working space for Adobe Photoshop.
eciRGB v2 - The European Color Initiative (ECI) recommended color space for use as an RGB working color space and color data exchange format for ad agencies, publishers, reproduction, and printing houses.
Fiery RGB v5 - A Fiery-defined color space recommended for users of office applications. This color space is similar to EFIRGB but is larger and can provide a more desirable blue output.
In cases where you do not want RGB source to override another specified source color space, select the Use RGB embedded profiles option.
If the Use RGB embedded profiles option is enabled, the Fiery server honors objects in the document with RGB profiles, and objects without profiles are color managed with the RGB source profile from Job Properties.
CMYK source
The CMYK source option can be set to any CMYK source profile that is present on the Fiery server.
To properly manage color in a printed image that was separated using an ICC profile, the same profile must be specified for printing the image.
The CMYK source profile setting you specify depends on the CMYK profile or press standard for which the CMYK data was separated. This option affects CMYK data only.
For images that were separated using a custom separation (such as a separation produced with an ICC profile), select the profile used for RGB to CMYK conversions in the prepress workflow on the Fiery server with the CMYK source setting.
For images that were separated for a press standard, select the press standard as the CMYK source setting.
If the job contains an embedded CMYK profile, select the Use CMYK embedded profiles option. The embedded profile is applied to CMYK data.
The CMYK source option can be set to any CMYK source profile that is present on the Fiery server.
If you do not want CMYK data in a job to be converted to the output color space, you can select one of the following settings:
Bypass conversion - This setting sends the original CMYK data in the job to the printer without conversion, but with calibration applied.
ColorWise OFF - This setting sends the original CMYK data in the job to the printer without calibration applied and without converting the CMYK data. The CMYK data is still subject to the total ink or toner limit, however.
The ColorWise OFF setting is available for a specific job but it cannot be the default setting on the Fiery server. You select this setting for a specific job.
Note: When you print with the ColorWise OFF setting, make sure that the options you choose in your application do not cause the application to modify CMYK data. You must specify no color management in the application when you print with the ColorWise OFF setting.
Grayscale source
The Fiery server supports separate processing of jobs with Device Gray and ICC Based Grayscale through their own color conversion.
For FS200/FS200 Pro and earlier, the grayscale color spaces were processed through the CMYK color path.
The Grayscale source profile setting provides factory-installed grayscale profiles to use for source-to-output profile color conversion. You cannot import your own grayscale ICC profiles.
If the job contains an embedded profile associated with grayscale objects in the document, select the Use Gray embedded profiles option.
The Grayscale source option can be set to any of the factory-installed grayscale source profiles that are present on the Fiery server.