By default, three virtual printers are set up to correspond to the Print,
Hold, and Direct queues. You cannot edit these printers, but you can duplicate them and edit them,
or you can create new virtual printers.
The direct virtual printer cannot be modified,
but Administrators can modify the print and hold virtual printers.
Administrators can duplicate one of the default virtual printers,
or another virtual printer, and modify its settings.
Only Administrators can create, edit, and duplicate virtual printers. Administrators
can also publish job presets as virtual printers.
- Do one of the following:
To create a virtual printer, click
New in the toolbar.
To edit a virtual printer, click Edit
in the toolbar.
To duplicate a virtual printer, click
Duplicate in the toolbar.
- Specify the following:
Printer Name -
If you are creating or duplicating a printer, type an alphanumeric
Note: Once a virtual printer has been created or duplicated,
its name cannot be changed, although the print settings can be changed.
Description -
Add or modify comments to describe the virtual printer to users—for
example, "duplex company brochure."
Job Actions - Select one of the standard
Fiery Server actions, such as Hold, Process and Hold, Print, Print and
Hold, or Print and Delete. Sequential Print is also displayed if it has been enabled in Configure.
Job Properties -
Select Define to access Job Properties and specify print settings.
Server presets are also listed as choices.
Note: You can lock any job setting by clicking its
lock icon.
- If required, select Preflight and edit the settings:
Default preset -
Indicates that the default Preflight settings will be used unless
you edit them.
Edit - Allows
you to select from other presets or specify each setting.
On critical error -
Specifies the action to be performed if any critical errors are
found. Use Job Action refers to the job action specified for the virtual