Apply color edits through a server preset
If your Fiery server supports this feature, you can save color edits as a server preset. With a preset, you can apply the same color edits to a different job in Fiery ImageViewer, and you can also apply the preset to a held job through the window in Command WorkStation, without using Fiery ImageViewer.
Note: You can also save color edits to a local file on your computer and apply them to a different
job in ImageViewer.
Save color edits as a preset
Apply color edits through a preset in ImageViewer
Apply color edits through a preset in Job Properties
Delete a preset
Rename a preset
For Fiery ImageViewer 4.7 and later: Click the
gear icon in the toolbar to launch the Manage Custom
Presets window.
- Click to select one custom preset, or ctrl-click (Windows) or cmd-click (macOS) to select more than one custom preset.
- Click Rename.
- Type a name for the preset and click OK.