Understand archived jobs
An archived job contains the original source file that was received by the Fiery server, along with the job properties (the job ticket) that were set for the job.
Job tickets may reference server-based resources such as color profiles and calibration settings. Although these server resources are not saved with the archived file, the job ticket refers to them. If the job ticket points to a resource that is no longer available, the job will use the default settings for that resource.
Archives contain server-specific information and settings, which are fully applied only when you restore the job to the same server from which the job was created. You can restore or import an archive job to a different server. If the server is a different model, the job ticket settings that are common to both servers will be retained, and other settings that are not present will be replaced by the server default settings.
When you archive a job, you can save thumbnails and previews of processed jobs, which also saves the raster images of the job, so that the job does not need to be processed later. Preserving thumbnails and previews increases the file size of the archived files.