ImageViewer Edits
The ImageViewer Edits print option lets you apply color curve edits that have been saved on the server as a preset.
ImageViewer in Command WorkStation can be used to edit the CMYK curves of a processed job on the Fiery server. These curve edits can be saved as presets in the Preset area of the Color Adjust pane in ImageViewer. These presets can be applied to spooled jobs with the ImageViewer Edits print option on the Color tab in the Job Properties window.
Use the ImageViewer Edits option to select a preset for your job.
Factory-supplied curve edits apply some typical color corrections:
- No correction
- Lighter highlights
- Midtone boost
- Shadow detail
- Reduce C (cyan) cast
- Reduce M (magenta) cast
- Reduce Y (yellow) cast
The preset list shows the factory-supplied curve edits followed by the custom curve edits.
After the job is processed, the edits become part of the job and are no longer visible as edits when you view the job in ImageViewer.