You can view or change the print options for a job.
Note: You can use inline editing in the Job Summary
Pane as another way to override job
- Double-click a job in the Held or Printed queue,
or select the job and do one of the following:
To select multiple jobs on a single
Fiery server, use shift-click, ctrl-click
(on Windows), or cmd-click (on macOS); then click Properties. After the multiple jobs have opened, specifying a value in
the Job Properties window applies it to all jobs by
default. The Summary tab allows a side-by-side comparison of the
print options for multiple jobs.
- Click each icon to view the print options for
the job properties group.
For some options, changing the setting
requires that the job be reprocessed.
If you want to override the print options, make the changes, and then click OK to save your override settings or select Process and Hold, Send to Ready to
Print, Send to Press, or Send to Printing Queue to save and send the job with your settings to
the press for printing.
Note: The print action or queues listed may not be
supported for all Fiery servers.
Some settings cannot be applied
instantly to jobs that are processed and held because the job needs to be
re-processed to apply the settings.