Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Command WorkStation

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Spot colors with gradation curve editing

The Spot color gradation editor feature allows you to edit the spot color gradations at varying percentages (%) to define a spot color reproduction curve so that accurate spot color gradients can be achieved.

Spot color gradation supports all spot colors.

By default, spot colors are defined with 100% and 0% color values. The full-tone color is represented by 100%. The color of the media is represented by 0%. By default, the unmeasured value for substrate white equals 0%.

If a print job includes a gradient of a spot color and the gradient prints too light or too dark, you can modify the intensity by adjusting the gradation curve.

Note: The Fiery Graphic Arts Pro Package must be installed on a Fiery server with Fiery system software FS400 Pro or later.