Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Command WorkStation

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Spot Pro aliasing spot colors

Spot Pro supports creating aliases for spot colors on the Fiery server. An alias creates a symbolic link from any original spot color to a target spot color installed on the Fiery server in a spot color group. The Fiery server uses the target spot color values when printing an original spot color with an alias link to a target spot color. You can alias multiple original spot colors to a target spot color.

With the Alias feature in Spot Pro, you can do the following:
  • Create an alias link from one or more original spot colors to any target spot color installed on the Fiery server.
  • Edit a target spot color to update all original spot color alias links to that target spot color.
  • Delete an alias link or a target spot color without deleting the original spot color from the Fiery server.
  • View the target spot color linked to an original spot color, and view the names and number of original spot colors linked to a target spot color.
Note: The Fiery Graphic Arts Pro Package must be installed on a Fiery server with Fiery system software FS400 Pro or later.