Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Command WorkStation

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Attributes for new entries in Substrate Catalog

Attributes for new substrate catalog entries are grouped under different tabs.

Before creating a new entry, choose either PPD or JDF settings. For information, see Choose substrate catalog settings.

PPD based settings

The tabs are:
  • General - Choose settings to specify the media to be used.
  • Sizes - Edit an existing entry or create new entries. Choose a pre-defined substrate size from the size catalog.
    Note: New sizes can be created from the Size Catalog. For more information, see Fiery Command WorkStation Help
  • Color Settings - Choose the color profiles.

JDF based settings

The tabs are:
  • General and Other Attributes - Include several JDF attributes to describe the media in greater granularity.
Note: The Sizes and Color Settings tabs are common to both PPD and JDF settings.