Apply nesting templates created in Job Editor
Nesting templates created in Job Editor can be used to create presets or virtual printers or applied to jobs imported into Command WorkStation.
The steps for creating nesting presets and virtual printers are similar to those described for step and repeat templates in Create a step and repeat preset and Create a step and repeat virtual printer.
Creating a preset or virtual printer
Follow the steps to create a preset or virtual printer, choosing a nesting template from Job Properties window. Templates are organized by type: Normal, Step and repeat, and Nesting.
in theApplying a nesting template workflow
Select one or more normal jobs in the Held list, right-click and select Apply Workflow, and choose a nesting preset or virtual printer. A new nesting is created by adding all the selected jobs as child jobs.
Applying a nesting preset or virtual printer in Job Properties
Select one or more normal jobs in the Held list, open Job Properties, and choose a nesting preset or virtual printer. A new nesting is created by adding all the selected jobs as child jobs.