Set calibration time limit and job suspension
You can set a calibration time limit and set whether Fiery Command WorkStation suspends the job if calibration has expired.
In the
Calibrator Settings window, do any of the
If you choose to set an expiration time, you can set one of the following:
To show expiration status, select Show status in Job Center.
To enable job suspension, select Suspend job printing when calibration expires.
For a suspended job, you can do one of the following:- Calibrate the Fiery server for the job's calibration setting(s). After you update the calibration measurements, select the suspended job and print it.
- Continue printing the job using the outdated measurement data if output consistency is not important for the job.
To enable Zero-touch recalibration, select Calibrate job with inline sensor automatically.
- Click Factory Defaults to reset the settings to their original defaults.
- Click Save to save the settings.
Parent topic: Calibrator Settings