Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Command WorkStation

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Edit a substrate catalog entry

You can edit attributes and values of substrate catalog entries.

  1. In the Substrate Catalog window, do one of the following:
    • Select the entry and click Edit in the toolbar.
    • Double-click the selected entry.
    • Right-click the selected entry and select Edit.
    A message notifies you that one or more jobs use the substrate catalog entry.
  2. If the substrate catalog entry is associated with the following:
    • Job, preset, virtual printer, or a default server setting - A message notifies you that one or more jobs use the substrate catalog entry. Click OK in response to the message.
  3. Enter information in the text fields or click the arrow to display the list for that attribute. Choose the new attribute setting or enter the new attribute value.
    Note: If you enter an incorrect value for a media attribute and move on to another media attribute, the incorrect media attribute will revert to its previous value.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.
Note: For jobs that are already in queues, the media attribute columns will be updated when the job is processed or printed, or when you open Job Properties.