Run List tab
The Run List tab displays the location of the PDL files used to generate the content page artwork to populate a JDF job. The file paths are displayed in the order that they are pulled to print the job. Each path supports one file type per job. Different protocols are supported.
Supported protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMB, MIME, local files
Supported file types: PDF, PostScript, PPML, VDP, ZIP
If the number of pages in a single run list job is unknown and you want to print the last few pages, you can use a negative number to represent the page number. In Fiery JDF, 0 represents the first page, -1 represents the last page, and -2 represents the second-to-last page.
You can add paths, edit the path names, or remove the path.
If the JDF ticket has the file names, but the files cannot be located in the path defined in Configure, an alert icon is displayed. You can then select Edit and insert the correct path.