Scale a job in Job Editor
You can scale jobs by a percentage, by typing new dimensions, or by dragging. You can also scale jobs to the media width.
Jobs that do not fit on the media are indicated by a red border. To print oversize jobs, you must scale them down.
By default, scaled jobs retain their original proportions.
- On the toolbar, select the Transform Job tool.
- Do one of the following:
- Scale freely - Rest the pointer on a corner of the job. The pointer changes to a double-headed arrow. Drag the job to the required size.
- Scale by typing dimensions - In the toolbar, under Scale, type a width and height.
- Scale by any percentage - On the toolbar, under Scale, click the % button, and type a percentage in the width or height box.
- Scale by a default scaling factor - Right-click the job, click Scale and click an item. Choose from the following scaling factors: 10%, 25%, 50%, 100%, 125%, 150%, or 200%.
- Scale to media width - Right-click the job and click Fit to Width. The job is scaled proportionally to the printable width of the substrate.