Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Command WorkStation

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Substrate Catalog

Substrate Catalog is a system-based substrate warehouse database, which can store attributes of any substrate available in a production print shop.

Substrate Catalog is installed by default with Command WorkStation.

The Substrate Catalog resides on the Fiery server and is not affected when you reboot or clear the Fiery server.

Note: To set up and manage Substrate Catalog, you must log in to Command WorkStation with Administrator access.

To select a substrate, in Command WorkStation, select a job and click Properties > Media, and then select an entry from the Substrate Catalog. Substrate catalog entries are listed alphabetically in the Substrate Catalog list.

Each substrate catalog entry is associated with a specific output profile. When you create a new substrate catalog entry, you can associate the substrate catalog entry with either an existing profile or create a new profile.

Note: The terms "media" or "paper" refer to "substrate".

Access levels

Substrate Catalog allows Administrators to:

  • Define multiple substrate attribute combinations and assign unique names to each combination

  • Assign color profiles for each substrate

  • Select predefined substrate when they submit their job

  • Specify which substrate catalog columns are available for users

  • Centrally maintain the Substrate Catalog

Substrate Catalog allows Operators to:

  • Select predefined substrate when they submit their job