Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Command WorkStation

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Assign a temporary custom substrate size

A temporary custom size can be assigned to a substrate. You do not have to select any of the pre-defined sizes that are applied when a substrate catalog entry is assigned to the job. When you assign a custom size to a substrate, you do not have to create a new entry for the custom size in the Size Catalog. A temporary custom size is useful when you have a single/limited use of a particular substrate size.
  1. Select a job and do one of the following:
    • Click Properties in the Actions menu.
    • Right-click the job and select Properties.
    • Click the Properties icon in the Job Center toolbar.
    • Double-click the job.
  2. In the Job Properties window, click the Media tab on the left.
  3. Select Not defined from the Substrate Catalog list.
  4. In the Substrate size field, click Custom and specify the custom size dimensions for the substrate. The custom size is displayed in the Substrate size list.
    Note: Custom size dimensions are temporary and will not reflect in the list of sizes defined in the Size Catalog.