Fiery Command WorkStation

Fiery Command WorkStation

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Create or edit a size catalog entry

You can create or edit size catalog entries for frequently-used custom sizes of substrates.
Note: Default size catalog entries cannot be edited.
  1. In Device Center > Resources > Size Catalog, do one of the following:
    • Click the Add New icon to create a size catalog entry.
    • To edit an existing entry, select the entry and click the Edit icon.
    Note: To edit an entry, you can also double-click the entry or right-click the entry and select Edit.
  2. In the Add or Edit window, specify or modify the name and dimensions for the entry.
    Note the following:
    • Each size catalog entry must have a unique name. Two size catalog entries cannot share the same name.
    • Multiple size catalog entries can have the same dimensions as long as the name of each size catalog entry is unique.
    • The default unit of measurement for the dimensions of the size catalog entry can be set from Command WorkStation > Edit > Preferences > Region > Measurement units.
    • The width of the size catalog entry denotes the leading/feed/gripper edge of the substrate.
  3. Click OK.
The new or modified entry is listed in the Size Catalog.
Note: Default size catalog entries may vary depending on the capabilities of the press or the printer.