Apply Template Manager templates to imported job
You can assign a server preset that uses a step and repeat template to an imported job.
Server presets using step and repeat
templates must be available for the connected Fiery server.
To import a job, do one of the following:
- Click the Import icon in the Job Center toolbar.
- Select Import Job in the File menu.
- In the browse dialog on your computer, select the files you want to upload.
- In the Import Files dialog, select Use Server Preset and choose a step and repeat server preset. If step and repeat virtual printers have been set up, you can also select Use Virtual Printer and choose a step and repeat virtual printer.
Optionally, if a job has been imported without using a preset or virtual
printer, do one of the following:
- Select the imported job, open Job Properties, and apply a step and repeat preset.
- Select the imported job, open Job Properties, go to Layout > Job Editor Template, and choose a step and repeat template from the menu.
- Right-click the imported job, select Apply workflow, and choose a step and repeat preset.
- Right-click the imported job, select Apply workflow, and choose a step and repeat virtual printer.
Parent topic: Step and repeat templates in Template Manager