Specify JDF settings for a job
You can set options for a JDF job in the JDF Settings window when you select a JDF job in the Held or Printed queue.
The following tabs are available from the JDF Settings window:
Media - Displays the media attributes of the JDF job next to the corresponding substrate catalog entry. Media for the JDF job can be mapped manually to a substrate catalog entry in this tab. See Enabling JDF-submitting applications.
Job Info - Displays information found in the JDF ticket. Allows you to specify additional MIS details and add comments.
Run List - Displays the customer-supplied files used to generate the content of the JDF job. Allows you to add, edit, and reorder the files in the window.
Close Job - Allows the job to be manually closed by the operator.
The following actions are available in every tab:
Close Job - Closes the job, according to the parameters set in Configure.
View Paper Ticket - This option is turned on if the JDF-submitting application included a human-viewable copy of the original job ticket.
OK - Saves the settings and closes the window.
Cancel - Closes the window without saving any changes to settings.