Fiery Color Profiler Suite Help

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Measure test pages

Auto Verifier’s CMYK Color Matching test checks how accurately the printed output matches the CMYK source profile.

The test computes the differences between the measured and expected color values for the selected CMYK source profile and output profile. A difference greater than the tolerance for the test generates a failure. You set tolerance values in the Preferences for Fiery Color Verification Assistant.

Note: A check mark by the job ID indicates that the page has been measured previously.
  1. In Fiery Color Profiler Suite, click Auto Verify to start Auto Verifier.
  2. Click the job ID in the list that matches the job ID on the color test page, and click Next.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to measure the page.
  4. In the Measurement Results window, click Results to see the test results.
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