Fiery Color Profiler Suite Help

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Select output node using Profile Cross Section

You can set a source color and locate the corresponding output color in a graphical representation of the output color space.

Profile Cross Section can display the output color that corresponds to a source color. The display, using a graphical representation of the output color space, uses the same color model (Lab or XYZ) as the Profile Connection Space of the profile.

XYZ color space is a horizontal plane where all colors have the same level of lightness.

  • Leaf displays a two-dimensional plane of the Lab or XYZ color space. This is a vertical leaf where the ratio of a/b or X/Y of all colors is the same.

  • Plane displays a two-dimensional plane of the Lab color space.

The color model (Lab or XYZ) used to display the color space is the same as the Profile Connection Space of the profile being edited.

  1. Click Plane or Leaf.
  2. Set a node using one of these methods:
    • Set a source color, or click the source measurement instrument icon () under Nearby (Source) Color and sample the source color using the spectrophotometer, and then click Find Nearest Node.

      If the currently selected color does not correspond exactly to a node, the color of the node nearest to the selected color is selected.

    • Click the source Eyedropper tool (), and click the node you want to edit in the profile cross-section.

    • Type the coordinates of the node index directly. You can also use the up arrow or down arrow to increase or decrease a value.

  3. Under Replacement Node Color, set the output color using one of two methods:
    • Type the coordinates of the output color, or click the output measurement instrument icon () and sample the output color using the spectrophotometer.

    • Click the output Eyedropper tool (), and click the output color in the profile cross-section.

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