Set Color Verification Assistant preferences
The Color Verification Assistant tab lets you specify settings for options for Color Verification Assistant.
You can set:
Tolerances - Sets tolerances for the device-specific tests and for other aspects of Color Verification Assistant.
CMYK Color Matching and RGB Color Matching - Set tolerances for the color-specific tests.
Auto Verifier - Configures automatic color test pages on a Fiery Server. See Configure automatic test pages.
Preferences settings are specific to your user name. If you start Verifier from Color Verification Assistant, your Color Matching preferences transfer to Verifier along with the measurement data.
Set printer and device tolerances
You can set tolerances for Color Verification Assistant printer and measurement device tests. You can also reset notifications in Color Verification Assistant.
The measurement device test verifies whether the spectrophotometer measures the same value for the same color when you repeat a measurement. The test calculates the average and maximum of the measurement differences. The measurement device test fails if either the average or the maximum of the measurement differences exceeds the specified tolerance.
The printer test verifies whether the printed output produces the same color when you rotate the test image. The test calculates the average and maximum of the measurement differences for all colors in the color bar. The printer test fails if either the average or the maximum of the measurement differences exceeds the specified tolerance value.
Color Verification Assistant displays notifications at various times, and you can disable a notification after you view it. Color Verification Assistant preferences allow you to re-enable all notifications.
- In Color Profiler Suite, click .
- In the Color Verification Assistant tab, click Tolerances.
- Enter average and maximum dE values in the Measurement device repeatability and Fiery printer repeatability fields.
- To re-enable all notifications for Color Verification Assistant, click Reset All Notifications.
Set color matching tolerances
You can set tolerances for Color Verification Assistant CMYK and RGB color matching tests.
The CMYK and RGB color matching tests compute the differences between the measured and expected color values with the selected CMYK or RGB source profile and output profile. The tests calculate the average and maximum of the differences for all colors in the color bar as well as the differences for primary and secondary hues and for neutral colors.
- In Color Profiler Suite, click .
- In the Color
Verification Assistant tab, do any of the following:
Click CMYK Color Matching and set the CMYK color matching preferences.
NPDC sets the Neutral Print Density Curve for G7 specification. See the IDEAlliance website.
dL, dC, dH - Sets differences in luminance, chroma, and hue in HCL color space.
Click RGB Color Matching and set the RGB color matching preferences.