Fiery Color Profiler Suite Help

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Prepare to use Monitor Profiler

It is important to prepare your monitor before using Monitor Profiler.

  1. Set the display settings of your computer to the optimal resolution and best color quality.
  2. Turn off any screensaver or other software that might interfere with the display, especially any graphic arts software that might be color managing the display.
  3. If your monitor has a control to reset the monitor to factory default settings, use it to reset the monitor.

Profile with the Easy method

The Easy method assumes the native monitor settings, and profiles the monitor in its current state.

You might use the Easy method if:

  • You want to profile your monitor quickly.

  • You want to profile your monitor in its current state or do not have a preferred state.

  • Your monitor does not have controls for adjusting brightness, contrast, and RGB color.

  1. Start Monitor Profiler and click Easy.
  2. Calibrate and set up the spectrophotometer.
  3. Measure profiling patches.
  4. Compare before and after measurements.
  5. Save the profile.

Profile with the Advanced method

The Advanced profiling method lets you specify desired monitor settings and calibrate the monitor to those settings, and then profiles the monitor in its calibrated state. Advanced users can also calibrate a monitor to a specified target.

You might use the Advanced method if you want to:

  • Profile your monitor calibrated to specific settings

  • Use the monitor to emulate or match another monitor

  • Be able to soft proof color on your monitor.

  1. Start Monitor Profiler and click Advanced.
  2. Select target settings for luminance, gamma, and white point.

    If you select the Native setting for luminance, gamma, or whitepoint, Monitor Profiler will skip the calibration of that parameter.

  3. Calibrate and set up the spectrophotometer.
  4. Measure and set luminance.
  5. Measure and set gamma.
  6. Measure and set the white point.
  7. Measure profiling patches.
  8. Compare before and after measurements.
  9. Save the profile.