Fiery Color Profiler Suite Help

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Edit colors and the Edit List

The Edit Tools pane lets you edit colors and view or change the list of edits already created. The Edit List displays, for the selected rendering intent, the edits that have been made.

The Edit List displays edits in the following order, which is the order in which they are applied:

  • Media Whitepoint edit (Absolute Colorimetric rendering intent only)

  • Global Color edit (one per rendering intent)

  • Hue edits, in the order created

  • Selective Color edits, in the order created

  • Node edits, in the order created

Note: Because each edit applies to a specific rendering intent, the Edit List changes when you change rendering intents.

Flattening a profile when you save it clears the Edit List. If you do not flatten a profile when you save it, the edit list is stored in the profile. An unflattened profile is fully ICC compatible.

You can choose one or more edits in the list to perform tasks on them.

  1. To see the Edit List of edits already made for the selected rendering intent, click the up or down arrow at the bottom of the Edit Tools pane.
  2. Use these tools to edit colors:
    • Edit color globally - Adjusts the lightness, contrast, and saturation of the entire output and adjusts each individual output curve (CMYK or RGB).

    • Edit the colors in a hue - Shifts all colors of the same hue and a user-specified range of neighboring colors to a different hue.

    • Edit a selected color - Changes one color and a user-specified range of neighboring colors in the source to a different color in the output.

    • Edit a node - Changes the color content of an individual node in the profile color table.

    • Adjust white point (media color) - Changes the whitepoint value. Applies only to the Absolute Colorimetric rendering intent.