Fiery Print Matcher
Fiery Print Matcher helps obtain consistent color output across a group of up to five Fiery-driven printers. Color results depend on different factors, but Fiery Print Matcher uses the Fiery server color management features to help minimize these differences.
Fiery Print Matcher provides different methods for matching printers, depending on the characteristics of the printers.
Common calibration and output profile - For printers of the same make and model. The calibration curves of these printers are similar enough that Fiery Print Matcher can create a calibration goal and output profile that are common to all the printers.
Device link profiles - For printers of different models or manufacturers. Device link profiles map each printer’s output color space to the common color space between the printers.
Using measurement data from all selected printers, Fiery Print Matcher generates either a calibration and an output profile or a device link profile. When you use the calibration and output profile or the device link profile to print a job, you can print to any of the printers with similar color results.
Fiery Print Matcher can run in Demo mode and use almost all features. However, you cannot save a resulting calibration or profile to a Fiery server.