Fiery Device Linker
Fiery Device Linker can help you use a device link profile to match color output to an industry reference. Fiery Device Linker also lets you create device link profiles using two to four profiles. In addition, you can optimize spot color definitions through iterative measurement of actual color output.
Fiery Device Linker offers these options:
Optimize a device link (Iterative match to a standard) - Matches the output of your Fiery-driven printer to an industry reference (for example, PSO Coated). Fiery Device Linker creates a device link profile using a CMYK source profile and an output profile on the Fiery server as the destination profile. Using measurements of color sample patches, converted with the device link profile being created, Fiery Device Linker can optimize the device link profile to better match the color appearance of the industry press reference. With repeated iterations of device link profile tuning, and measuring results from printed color patches, you can optimize the appearance match. Fiery Device Linker installs the profile on the Fiery server.
Optimize spot colors - Optimizes the spot color definitions on your Fiery server. Fiery Device Linker loads the spot color definitions that reside on the Fiery server. Using measurements of printed color output, Fiery Device Linker can optimize the spot color definitions. With additional iterations of color measurements, you can fine-tune the optimization.
Create a custom device link - Creates a device link profile from specified source and destination profiles. Optionally, you can include one or two intermediate profiles. You can save the resulting profile or install it on a Fiery server.