Profile a Fiery-driven print system
You can create a profile for a printer connected to a Fiery server. The Fiery server must be accessible from your computer over the network.
- In Fiery Color Profiler Suite, click Printer to start Fiery Printer Profiler and then click Print Patches - I want to start from the beginning.
In the
Welcome window, type the new profile name and select
the Fiery server from the list, and then click
If the Fiery server is not in the list, click the plus sign to add it using the IP address or by searching.
For most fiery-driven systems, choose CMYK for the Color Space.
In the Calibration
setup window, click the appropriate option and click
- Create new calibration setting - Create a new calibration set for the media to be profiled. This option is the optimal choice. Select this option if you wish to include G7 calibration as part of the calibration process. If G7 calibration is desired, select the G7 gray balance calibration target option.
- Use existing calibration setting - Use existing calibration settings with recalibration. Prints calibration patches for measurement to recalibrate based on the selected calibration setting before profiling. An existing calibration setting will only result in a high quality profile if it was created for the same or a very similar media to the one that is being profiled.
- Select Skip
re-calibration only if this calibration setting is
up-to-date. (The Fiery server was calibrated
recently for this calibration setting.) In this case, complete step 4 and then go to step 10.
If Skip calibration is selected, the selected calibration setting is used to print profiling pages immediately without calibration. Only skip the calibration if the calibration setting has just been created.
Select a CMYK source profile
from the list and click Next.
The CMYK source profile will be used to create the server preset and to print the profile test page.
Select the instrument, patch
layout, and paper chart size for printing the calibration page. We also
recommend warming up the printer by printing at least 10 warmup pages.
More calibration patches are generally better but take longer to measure.
To change the instrument settings, click Settings next to the instrument.
Click Print. Go to step 6 to set the print settings.
- Specify print settings and click OK.
Specify settings including image options, such as halftone and resolution, and media settings. Best practice is to choose the media using a substrate catalog, paper catalog, or media catalog entry.
Note: Depending on what is supported on the Fiery server, either Substrate Catalog, Paper Catalog, or Media Catalog is displayed in the user interface. - Retrieve the pages from the printer and follow the on-screen instructions to measure the calibration page. (Discard any warmup pages.)
- View the measurement results and click Next on the Patch Layout window.
Select the instrument, patch
set, and chart size for printing the profiling measurement pages.
Click Settings to configure settings for the measurement instrument. Always use at least 928 patch for a high quality profile.
If you want to measure multiple sets of pages and then average the measurements into one set of data for creating the profile, specify the number of page sets to print.
- Click Print.
Retrieve the measurement pages
from the printer, follow the on-screen instructions to measure them.
Note: If the printer measures the pages automatically, you can skip this step.
- In the Summary window,
check the results.
Check to see that the dE values (average and maximum) are not colored red. If they are, the measurement values were not precise and you may wish to re-measure.
Click Average measurements to view all measurement sets and proceed to measuring the next set, if any.
In the Apply Settings window, select the factory profile from the Fiery server for a paper like the one you are
profiling (coated, uncoated). This will load the profile settings that were used
to create the manufacturer-approved factory profile.
Note: Sometimes the factory profiles from the Fiery server do not appear in the Profile Settings menu. In this case, use the import command from the Settings menu to connect to the Fiery server to choose the factory profile.Note: The available settings depend on the capabilities of the printer.
In the Save Profile window, choose Install on Fiery Server. Make sure the correct Fiery server is selected.
The profile is created when you click Next and installed on the Fiery server.
A server preset is now available, which can be selected to print with the new calibration, output profile, source profile, and all print settings used to create the output profile.