Fiery Color Profiler Suite Help

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Set up calibration

Printer Profiler lets you set the type of calibration for the printer that you are profiling. Some printers use the printer’s current calibration state and require no calibration setup.

Set up calibration for a Fiery server

Fiery calibration uses a calibration that specifies the target density values (the calibration target) for a Fiery server.

For best results, when you create a new profile, create a new calibration setting to be used with the new profile. It will include a calibration target based on the current state of the printer.

If you do not create a new calibration setting, you can use an existing calibration with the new profile, but only if the paper that you are profiling is very similar to paper of the existing calibration. For example, if the new paper is a coated, heavy paper, the existing calibration must be for a coated, heavy paper. If the paper is not very similar, the calibration target is not appropriate for the paper.

In the Calibration Setup window, click one of the following:
  • Create new calibration setting - Prints and measures a set of patches without calibration applied and calculates an appropriate calibration target. In this case, the new profile is associated with the new calibration setting.

    The G7 gray balance calibration target check box is not selected by default. If you wish to conduct G7 calibration, select the check box.

  • Use existing calibration setting - Uses the selected calibration setting to print and measure patches, unless you select Skip calibration. In this case, the new profile is associated with the selected calibration setting.

    Skip calibration only if the calibration is up-to-date.

  • CMYK source profile - Selects CMYK source profile that will be used when creating server preset and printing profile test page.

Set up calibration for a Fiery XF server

When you profile a printer connected to a Fiery XF server, you specify the ink type, media name, and the calibration set (base linearization).

  1. Connect to the Fiery XF server, and choose the printer and printer model.
  2. In the Calibration Setup window, set the following:
    • Ink type - If the printer supports more than one type of ink, set the ink type for profiling.

    • Media name - Sets the combination of media type and calibration set. A calibration set specifies a base linearization file that is associated with a media profile.

    • Calibration set - Set print conditions that adjust the printer behavior to the media.

      Print conditions include resolution, halftone settings, color mode, print direction, and media profile. You must specify a calibration set because a media name can be associated with more than one calibration set.