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Select document pages

You can select pages within a single document, or across multiple documents, while you are in the Thumbnails view mode.

  1. Click the Thumbnails button located in the Status Bar or click View > View Mode > Thumbnails.
  2. Select document page thumbnails within a single document, or across multiple documents, using one of the following methods:
    • Shift-click to select multiple, sequential document page thumbnails.

    • Ctrl-click to select multiple, non-sequential document page thumbnails.

    • Hold down the left mouse button to drag a marquee around the document page thumbnails that you want.

    • Hold down the Shift key and drag the marquee to select document page thumbnails, and then move the marquee to insert the current selection.

    • Hold down the Ctrl key and drag the marquee to select a group of document page thumbnails, and then deselect individual document page thumbnails by clicking on them.

  3. Release the Shift or Ctrl key and the left mouse button before editing document pages.

    The selected thumbnails are highlighted with a border. You can choose to edit the document pages by right-clicking in the Print Preview pane to view the pop-up menu.

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