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Specify page options

You can specify page options for your document.

  1. Click the Pages per Sheet button to specify the number of document pages per sheet of paper for your print document.

    The Pages per Sheet settings are:

    • 1 page

    • 2 pages

    • 4 pages

    • 6 pages

    • 9 pages

    • 16 pages

  2. Click the Page Order button to specify the page layout direction when the Pages per Sheet is set to 2-up or greater.

    The Page Order settings are:

    • Left Horizontal - starts in the upper-left corner, moves horizontally left to right, and then drops to the next row and repeats.

    • Left Vertical - starts in the upper-left corner, moves vertically top to bottom, and then moves to the next column and repeats.

    • Right Horizontal - starts in the upper-right corner, moves horizontally right to left, and then drops to the next row and repeats.

    • Right Vertical - starts in the upper-right corner, moves vertically top to bottom, and then moves to the next column and repeats.

  3. Click the Print on Both Sides button to specify whether the document prints on one side or both sides of the sheet of paper by specifying the booklet binding edge to be on the left or top.
  4. Click the Rotation button to a rotation setting (in degrees) as either 0, 90, 180 or -90.
  5. Click the Orientation button to specify orientation of the document as portrait or landscape.
  6. Click the Color button to specify the document to print in color or black and white.
    Note: The Color option is not available for black-and-white printers.
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