Use Green Book templates
There are four easy-to-use, pre-formatted Green Book templates in Fiery VUE.
The available templates are:
Green Book - Full Size - prints Letter documents on Tabloid-size sheets and A4 documents on A3-size sheets.
Green Book - Half Size - prints Letter documents scaled to fit on Letter-size sheets and A4 documents scaled to fit on A4-size sheets.
Green Book - Mini Portrait - scales automatically and prints a portrait Letter or A4 document as a booklet on Letter or A4 paper, such that there are four pages per sheet of paper, printed on both sides. The first page is designated for the cover and only one page is printed.
Green Book - Mini Landscape - scales automatically and prints a landscape Letter or A4 document as a booklet on Letter or A4 paper, such that there are four pages per sheet of paper, printed on both sides. The first page is designated for the cover and only one page is printed.
When you choose a specific template, Fiery VUE automatically applies all of the settings in that template to the current Fiery VUE document. For example, the first slide is always the cover (single slide on a page); the remainder of the slides are laid out as 2 slides per page, and printed on both sides of the sheet of paper.
- Open a document.
- Click the Green Books button in the Tools pane to open the pop-up menu, and select a template from the list. It is applied automatically to the selected document.