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Edit pages within the document

You can edit the pages in a document, such as print in color or insert tabs.

You can also cut, copy, or paste a page into a document by right-clicking a page, and from the pop-up menu choosing Cut, Copy, or Paste.

  1. Click the Thumbnails button located in the Status Bar or click View > View Mode > Thumbnails.
  2. Right-click a page to view the pop-up menu.

    From the pop-up menu, select from the following:

    • Cut - copies and deletes the selected page or pages.

    • Copy - copies the selected page or pages.

    • Paste - pastes the copied or cut page(s) at the cursor location.

    • Select All - selects all the pages in the document.

    • Insert Tab - inserts a tab before the selected page.

      This option is available only if the printer supports tabs and if the document does not have restrictions for tabs. A restriction would be that a printer allows only one-sided printing with tab inserts, therefore the document would have to be set up for one-sided printing in order to show the Insert Tab option.

      Note: Tab inserts are not supported for mixed page size documents.
    • Print on Both Sides - specifies whether the document prints on one side or both sides of the sheet of paper by specifying the booklet binding edge to be on the left or top.

    • Pages per Sheet - specifies the page layout, as well as the page order.

    • Orientation - specifies landscape or portrait page orientation.

    • Color - specifies whether the document prints in color or black and white.

      Note: The Color option is not available for black-and-white printers.
    • Force page size - allows all pages of a document to be forced to the specified page size, either Letter, Legal, Tabloid, A4, or A3.

    • Force to Letter/A4 - allows the selected page(s) of a document with mixed page sizes to be forced to the specified page size, either Letter or A4.

      When the option is applied to a page, there is a check mark next to it in the pop-up menu. To revert to the original page size, select the page or pages, and then select the option again from the pop-up menu. The option is shown only if the pages that are selected are the same size. If the selected pages are different sizes (for example, Letter and Tabloid), then the option is not available.

      Note: This option is available for documents with mixed page sizes only. The forced page size is determined by the smaller page size in the mixed-page-size document. This option is not available for a single-page-size document.
    • Section > Start, Section > Remove - specifies whether to add or remove a section start. Select Start to add a section start, or select Remove to remove the section start.

    • Delete - deletes the selected page or pages.

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