Paper Catalog
Paper Catalog is a system-based paper warehouse database, which can store attributes of any media stock available in a production print shop.
The Paper Catalog database resides on the Fiery Server and is not affected when you reboot or clear the Fiery Server.
If Paper Catalog is supported on the Fiery Server, any user can select media for a job from the Paper Catalog in the printer driver or in Job Properties in Fiery Command WorkStation.
To set up and manage Paper Catalog, you must log in to Fiery Command WorkStation with Administrator access.
Access levels
Administrator - Has full access to all Fiery Command WorkStation and Fiery Server functions. Administrator password is required.
Operator - Has access to all Job Center functions. In Device Center, does not have access to Configure, Backup and Restore, changing passwords, and deleting the Job Log. Can view Paper Catalog, virtual printers, and color management functions, but cannot edit them. Operator password is required.
Paper Catalog allows Administrators to:
Define multiple media attribute combinations and assign unique names to each combination
Assign color profiles for each media
Select predefined media when they submit their job
Assign media to trays
Specify which Paper Catalog columns are available for users
Centrally maintain their Paper Catalog database
Paper Catalog allows Operators to:
Select predefined media when they submit their job
Assign media to trays